Whistleblower reports can be made anonymously or non-anonymously (by e-mail, phone call or letter) or in person to any of the following individuals.
- E-mail or call Mr. Firoz Talakshi, Chair of the Audit Committee, at: firoz.talakshi@outlook.com or (403) 619-2781;
- E-mail or call Corey Ruttan, President and Chief Executive Officer, at cruttan@alvopetro.com or (587) 794-4213;
- E-mail or call Alison Howard, Chief Financial Officer, at ahoward@alvopetro.com) or (587) 794-4215;
- E-mail or call Frederico Oliveira, Brazil Country Manager at foliveira@alvopetro.com or +55(71)3432-0917
- By letter to, marked as Private and Confidential to:
Suite 1920, 215 – 9th Avenue SW
Calgary, AB T2P 1K3
Attention to: (any of the above named individuals)
- In person, at the above address.
- SafeSpace - The Company has also put in place a confidential reporting system, operated by SafeSpace, an independent third-party. Reports may be made to SafeSpace on-line
(https://my.safe.space/company/alvopetro), seven days a week, 24 hours a day, in either English or Portuguese. Portuguese reports
may also be made by phone call in Brazil (0800 887 0880)